All About Truck Scale Designs And More.

 To provide application advantages, each manufacturer has incorporated particular components into the design of their truck scale. However, the majority of truck scales use comparable fundamental design features and decisions, like deck and foundation kinds.


You and your scale distributor may talk about which manufacturers offer the designs that are best suited for your operation and company needs by having a basic understanding of truck scale designs.


The majority of truck scale manufacturers provide basic vehicle scales, but some will create custom designs that spare you the effort and expense of having to rebuild the site.


Plan your truck scale requirements based on the largest vehicle you will ever weigh at your facility, including future trucks, to guarantee your scale is big enough for your application. Truck scales should easily last 25 years or more of dependable service with modest care.


Concrete or steel weighbridge?

Determining whether to choose a weighbridge with a steel deck or a concrete deck is important when picking a truck scale. Both have benefits. Here are a few distinguishing characteristics that will aid you in picking the appropriate kind.


Advantages of Concrete Deck

       In conditions that are icy or damp, concrete offers higher traction.

       Longer lifespan of five to seven years and less maintenance required.

       Less wear and friction result from greater bulk.

       Better distribution of the load


A concrete deck is often poured during installation and requires between 21 and 28 days to cure. This adds additional expenditures to your truck scale purchase at installation. Due to the enormous weight of concrete, cured, factory-poured concrete decks may be damaged during transport and may have higher installation and shipping expenses.


Steel Deck Benefits.

       Quick installation, simple expansion, and relocation.

       Available are lower profiles and adjustable deck plates.

       No waiting for a concrete deck to cure and lower initial expense.


A steel deck scale is easier to move and extend if necessary because it weighs less and can typically be installed in less than a day. Typically, steel decks have traction treads on the driving surface, which are useful when it's raining or snowing and slippery.


Upgrades and expansion

The requirements for processes and weighing applications may alter as business demands change. A current truck scale system can need extra modules installed as firms develop and their weighing needs change. You must be confident that the maker of your scale can create an additional module that is a perfect fit for your existing scale.


Some manufacturers build their truck scales with hinge attachments that make it simple to stretch current truck scales by adding new modules.


Protection and quality of truck scales.

The truck scale market offers a wide range of possibilities, and to the untrained eye, the only distinction might be the cost of first purchasing. Manufacturers who advertise steep discounts, however, can only do so because they compromised on some aspect of the production process, including the design, materials, components, finish, or all of the aforementioned.


While the price might be appealing for now, a lower-quality truck scale's eventual failure could result in a higher total cost of ownership due to prolonged downtime, higher maintenance expenses, lost revenue, and premature replacement.
